How to make the most of this course

I’ve called this course an INTENSIVE for a reason! There is a lot of content, in fact there is more content than you can probably get through in 6 weeks - although feel free to try!

I'm really keen not to overwhelm you so I thought I’d talk you through some different ways you could approach this content and then you can choose the option that suits you best.

Please watch this video...


Each module in this course provides two focuses - an art focus and a business focus for each week.

For most of you, I'm hoping you'll be able to give about 2 - 3 hours a week to this, and suggest you aim to do all the Art section each week, and at least two lessons of the Business section. Anything you don't get done now, you can come back to you later. If you're not able to give it as much as 2-3 hours a week that's okay, just go at your own pace.

If you really want to lean into either just the Art side of things or just the Business Focus, that's fine. Otherwise a mix of both is a good idea.

But I suggest whatever you choose to focus on, and however far you get through the lessons, that you start each fresh week by moving onto the NEXT module, so that we can progress through the course together.

So realistically, you might not get through more than half of the content in the six weeks ahead, depending on how much time you have to give this. So after the six weeks - what are your options? 

1. you could continue following the same schedule of 2 to 3 hours a week for another six weeks on your own. Maybe stay in touch with a couple of artists in this group to keep accountable and support each other.

2. you have the option of coming back here next year as an alumni student (I'll be repeating this again) Then you’ll have six MORE weeks with my support and in community to finish off the rest of the course. There will just be a minimal fee next time to cover my time over the six weeks as you have ALREADY purchased the material.

So let's see how it goes, I really don't want this to be a cause of stress or discouragement for you - in fact quite the opposite, it doesn't matter how long this takes, but let's celebrate each step forward that you make!

Complete and Continue